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Suze Orman


Suze Orman is one of the world’s most popular financial advisors. Her writing, public appearances, and resource center have covered the full spectrum of financial planning topics, with Young, Fabulous and Broke and The Laws of Money among her bestselling books.

As a child, Orman struggled with speech and reading impediments, and she dropped out of college as a young adult. While waiting tables, she received a no-interest loan of $50,000 from a regular customer. Unfortunately, her broker directed her into over-speculative investments, cleaning out her brokerage account in three months.

But Orman studied investing, soon becoming a broker at Merrill Lynch. Unlike her former broker, she never encouraged clients to invest money they couldn’t lose. She continues to anchor her advice in solid data, precision, and caution, encouraging people to live below their means.

Orman spent more than 15 years with O, The Oprah Magazine before moving on to host her own television show on CN